What is it?
This is a specialized insurance that offers coverage for both the building and the contents, which are tailored to the needs of companies. It provides comprehensive protection in a single policy. This package provides a complete and customized solution for the specific needs of your company.
¿Qué es?
El seguro de obras de arte es una póliza especializada diseñada para proteger objetos únicos y valiosos considerados como obras de arte frente a daños materiales súbitos e imprevistos. Esta cobertura incluye tanto las piezas de arte propiedad del asegurado como aquellas que están bajo su custodia, cuidado y control, garantizando su protección en situaciones de difícil reposición.

Material damage to building and contents
Civil Liability for Activities and Real Estate
Tenant Civil Liability
Robbery with violence
Money and/or securities
Boilers and pressure vessels, breakdown of machinery and electronic equipment
Who is it for?
To all types of commercial, services, infrastructure, government, manufacturing, among others.

At THB Mexico we are prepared to offer you customized solutions, no matter how complex your needs are in Multiple Business.
Our team of experts is ready to advise you and provide you with the protection you need.
Contact us today for a personalized consultation and quote!